Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report

Unit Information
Unit: 203rd REL "Alpha Company"

C.O.: Major Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Operation: Scum and Villainy (8-man Story Mode)
Formation Size: 7
Troops in Formation:

MAJ. Qorbin Oca
CPT. Viozaer Foboma
1SG. Ricky Rakehell
SGT. Zidd Decker
SPC. Kateri Andriss
SPC. Kjvago Mahr
TRP. Ch'krosa Bizzi

Areas Patrolled: Darvannis

Initial Contact: 2205 EST

Contact Report:

Enemy Encountered: <Dash'roode> <Titan-6> <Thrasher> <Operations Chief> <Olok the Shadow> <Cartel Warlords> <Dread Master Styrak>

Friendly/Neutral Encountered: Malcon <Red Brigade>

Contact Summary: Although our first venture to Dread Fortress was rebuked due to persistent bugs preventing troopers from entering the Operation, the team reformed and headed to Darvannis to clear out the hive of Scum and Villainy. The team moved swiftly through the region, slaying each enemy encountered on the first attempt until reaching Oasis City. Poor communication prior to the infiltration attempt resulted in the initial attack failing. The team was successful on its second attempt and proceeded to clear out all remaining enemies, including Dread Master Styrak, on the first attempt. The mission ended in a climatic final encounter with only two troopers left standing to finish off the Dread Master. All wounded were retrieved and are recovering safely aboard the Repulse.

Positive Points:
  • We plowed through a very lengthy operation in a little over two hours.
  • Effective crowd control paired up with excellent fire discipline allowed us to easily take down difficult trash pulls
  • All team members responded well to ad-hoc strategy changes as unexpected mechanics popped up
  • The support elements (healers) did an amazing job, especially in the last encounter
Negative Points:
  • Our initial operation target was made unplayable due to game instancing bugs, preventing Troopers from entering
  • The raid leader failed to properly explain a key mechanic in the Oasis City incursion which led to an unsuccessful attempt
Overall Assessment and Recommendation:
We came, we saw, we conquered. Although it did take us over two hours to complete, this raid typically takes 3-5 hours to complete in its entirety. Well done by all participants. What I was most impressed by was the excellent fire discipline. I didn't see anyone breaking crowd control effects prematurely, even with 3+ stunned enemies clustered around the main DPS target. Outstanding.

I look forward to seeing more successful PvE raids in addition to our ongoing PvP efforts. PvE will be a part of Planetary Conquests whether it is our guild's primary focus or not, and thus we must be ready to execute these missions in order to secure our desired territory. Tonight, we have shown that we're more than capable of doing just that.