After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: 203rd REL "Alpha Company"
C.O.: Major Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Formation Size: 9
Troops in Formation:
1SG. Ricky Rakehell
SGT. Zidd Decker
SPC. Illumori Victus
SPC. Kjvago Mahr
TRP. Chkrosa Bizzi
TRP Malcon Atikan
TRP. Eroc Romaniski
TRP. Kleon Vasher
TRP. Orobos Undomial
Areas Patrolled: Denova
Initial Contact: 1730 EST
Contact Report:
Enemy Encountered: <Zorn> <Toth> <Firebrand> <Stormcaller> <Colonel Vorgath> <Warlord Kephess>
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: <Republic Soldiers>
Contact Summary: Around 1700, Sgt. Decker assembled a force to travel to the planet of Denova. It took the squad a minute to get the team together and to the planet's surface; however, once we were all there, we hit the ground running. The task force manged to wipe all hostile and potential enemies from the map, with ease. The ops group faced little they couldn't handle.We had a slight hiccup during the battle between Zorn and Toth, but we quickly recovered and killed the beasts. After the fight, TRP Undominal was called away and 1SG. Rakehell joined the group. 1SG. Rakehell, who normally leads these formations sat back and enjoyed the ride as the group moved on to defeat the tanks Firebrand and Stormcaller. The rest of the op went well and we finished in around an hour in a half.
Positive Points:
- Even though there were a few concerns about the how long it would take us to do Explosive Conflict, we wrapped it up with plenty of time to spare before the guild event.
- SGT. Decker, who led the formation and the op for the first time, did an exceptional job at guiding his troopers through the terrain and the fight.
- Even though the op possessed some complex mechanics, the group did not wipe and followed directions to the tee.
- The Ops group received a tank decoration, which was donated to the guild bank.
- 1SG. Rakehell got to have fun and pulled several Leroy Jenkins.
- We went into the op trying to get turrets for the guild ship and came up empty handed in that aspect.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation:
Explosive Conflict is a pretty awesome op that, in my opinion, we should do more often. The loot and credit drop was decent, but the fights are what make it worth doing again, especially if we bum up the difficulty. Also, this op proves that people who normally don't get to command an operation can do so just fine.