Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report

Unit Information
Unit: 203rd REL "Alpha Company"
C.O.: Major Qorbin Oca


Deployment Report
Formation Size: 11

Troops in Formation:

MAJ. Qorbin Oca
CPT. Viozear Foboma
1SG. Ricky Rakehell
SGT. Chadeaux Wolfe
CPL. Kateri Andriss
SPC. Illumori Victus
SPC. Kjvago Mahr
SPC. Derzis Derzalas
SPC. Malcon Atikan
SPC. Eroc Romaniski
TPR. Curran (?)

Areas Patrolled: Hutta (Karagga’s Palace)

Initial Contact: 2100 EST

Contact Report:

Enemy Encountered: <Bonethrasher> <Jarg> <Sorno> <Foreman Crusher> <G4-3B Heavy Fabricator> <Karagga the Unyielding>

Friendly/Neutral Encountered: N/A

Contact Summary: Around 2000hrs Specialist Eroc Romaniski assembled an eight-man group to take on Karagga’s Palace. However, due to the spawn times for the conquest commanders and battlemasters, the op was pushed back to 2100hrs and the group’s numbers increased by three. The now, eleven-man group, ventured to Karagga to quickly eliminate the Hutt’s forces. The group breezed through Karagga’s with ease and finished with plenty of time left for another mission later on in the night.

Positive Points:
  • Everyone seemed to be having fun and we got a few things for the guildship.
  • We zoomed through the op, because it was story mode and because we are awesome.
Negative Points:
  • Due to Specialist Romaniski’s jitters, she left out crucial information during the first boss fight; however, 1SG Rakehell and CPT. Foboma filled in any gaps, she had left when explaining the mechanics of the encounter.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation:

Karagga’s Palace was fun, especially to those who had never had the chance to participate in the op before and we received decent loot. I hope to do this op more in the future with the same amount of people or more and raise the difficulty level.