After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: 203rd REL "Alpha Company”
C.O.: Major Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Darvannis
Formation Size: 8
Troops in Formation:
1LT Mij Galaar
SGT Zidd Decker
SGT Riike Galon
SPC Chkrosa Bizzi
SPC Eroc Romaniski
TPR Holdn Reed
TPR Curran Helper
TPR Kleon Vasher
Areas Patrolled: Sandstorm Dunes, Collapsed Ruins, Plateau Bazaar, Oasis City, Security Operations Center. Oasis City Airport, Spaceport Access Tunnels, The Scar.
Initial Contact: 2100 EST
Contact Report:
Enemy Encountered: <Dash’roode> , <Titan 6> , <Thrasher>, <Operations Chief>, <Olok the Shadow>, <Cartel Warlords>, <Dread Master Styrak>.
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: N/A
Contact Summary: Alpha’s soldiers stormed Darvannis and defeated their foes in an effiecent and timely manner, successfully defeating one of the Dread Masters.
Positive Points:
- Quick and easy, no wipes.
- Curran received the ten points Endurance Datacron in the Sarlaac Pit on Darvannis.
- Some fights had difficult mechanics
Scum and Villainy is a good op to run; however, it takes a lot of time. It’s one of the longer ops in the game.
Report Filed by: Specialist Eroc Romaniski, 203rd Republic Expeditionary Legion: "Alpha Company".