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[01/24/16] Thorazan Defense

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  • Illumori Victus
    Well written!

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  • Rorän
    Thanks Pa.

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  • Dronos Eos
    Good job Ronos Starflower

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  • Rorän
    started a topic [01/24/16] Thorazan Defense

    [01/24/16] Thorazan Defense

    Division of the Republic Army
    After Action Report

    Unit Information
    Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
    C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca


    Deployment Report

    Planet: Tatooine
    Formation Size: 5
    Troops in Formation:

    1SG Kj'vago Mahr
    CPL Derzis Derzelas
    SPC Aradow Cabur
    SPC Rorän Starfollower
    TPR Scarlette Isles

    Areas Patrolled: Outpost Thorazan, Zaroshe, Salara
    Initial Contact: 1600est


    Contact Report

    Enemy Encountered: <Legacy of Darkness>, <The Reapers>, <Triumvirate Reawakening> ,etc

    Friendly/Neutral Encountered:<Marine Expeditionary Unit>, various Republic guilds

    Contact Summary:

    Around 1600hrs, SPC Starfollower and several of the Marine Expeditionary Unit heard reports of a large Imperial force gathering outside of Outpost Thorazan. The marines and the SPC reacted quickly and headed a small force down to Thorazan consisting of several marines and SPC Starfollower. They soon found they were out manned and outgunned with the forces consisting of 10-15 Imperials. They tried their best to hold the base with the local militia while SPC Starfollower called for reinforcements over Comms. 1SG Kj'vago was first to come to the scene and SPC Cabur followed quickly after, to help hold the base. The tide soon turned with SPC Cabur helping track the enemies movements, while 1SG Mahr administered field aid.

    After several failed attacks, and more Marines inbound, the Imperials seemed to lose their will to fight, and fled from the Outpost. It wasn't till SPC Cabur filled 1SG Mahr in that a slightly smaller force of Imperials were now heading to Outpost Salara. 1SG Mahr and SPC Starfollower reacted quickly, getting a pair of speeders and headed out, to Outpost Salara to stop the Imperials, while Marine Expeditionary Unit held Outpost Thorazan for security. The Imperials were very inexperienced and were routed quickly, by the small, but potent Alpha Company force.

    Over Comms, MEU alerted the 203rd that a force of Imperials were once more blockading the base. However, this time, the odds were even. More Marines had joined the battle, and they were quickly routed. It was soon seen that the Outpost Zaroshe was minimally guarded, thanks to SPC Cabur. This time, it was the Republic's turn to bring the fight, and the 203rd brought it along with MEU. As the fighting began, TPR Isles joined the fray, and served valiantly. The 203rd, and MEU made several pushes in the base, killing many guards and the base commander.

    After many attempts by the ever growing force of Imperials, the combined force of Acoy and MEU were forced to pull out and regroup outside the base. SPC Cabur kept 1SG Mahr updated with the Imperials movements, while CPL Derzelas dropped down into Outpost Thorazan, via shuttle. The combined force once more set out for Outpost Zaroshe, while keeping eyes out for any Sith, or agents, that may try to stab them from the back. The group soon arrived, after enduring small skirmishes on their path to Zaroshe. Once the 203rd arrived, the place seemed to become a ghost yard. The forces that faced them before seemed to have vanished, leaving only a small group of suicidal Sith and Imperial Agents.

    The groups, engaged into a moderate skirmish and several troopers went down including TPR Isles while 1SG Mahr worked fervently to get TPR Isles back on her feet. As the skirmish continued, a Sith of some ranking stepped forward, along with a group of his lackeys. After some quick negotiations, 1SG Mahr didn't like what he got back, and ordered a quick mortar volley to vanquish the Sith. Both the 203rd, and MEU answered the call immediately and destroyed the remaining Sith force.

    It soon became clear that there was no other Imperial Forces left to engage the combined the group. 1SG Mahr ordered for a shuttle from the Alrek Torik the pickup the Assault Squad and the one Ghost Squad operative. The Marine Expeditionary Unit covered Acoy as the 203rd made their exit.

    Positive Points:
    A good amount of unplanned WPVP not seen on Tatooine in a while.
    Good Communication with our ally MEU
    The 203rd was able to hold off a large Imperial force, while being outnumbered.
    Took out a Imperial Commander.
    More combat experience.

    Negative Points:
    Lack of scans while on the move.
    Jumping away from the healers.

    Overall Assessment and Recommendation: Overall, it was fun having some combat on the surface of Tatooine, after a long period of time. Alpha Company definitely sent out a message that we can hold against superior odds, time and time again, and to be more careful in the future, where the Imperials choose to attack.

    Report Filed By: SPC Rorän Starfollower