Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca

Deployment Report

Planet: Makeb and Denova
Formation Size: 8
Troops in Formation:
CPT. Mij Galaar
1SG Kjvago Mahr
SGT Nakari Kass'l
TPR Sibrius Brewmaster

Areas Patrolled: N/A
Initial Contact: N/A


Contact Report

Enemy Encountered: Golden Fury, Trandoshan mercenaries, Toth and Zorn (Drouks) and their handler, some Ughnaughts, Firebrand and Stormcaller, (Colonel Vorgath, and the Warlord Kephess.
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: Joint effort operations with The True Republic, including: Sinhez, Stephanie, Ixyra, and Shalostek.
Contact Summary: Eight man formation set out at 2100 EST to engage the enemy at two points of contact (Toborro's Courtyard on the planet of Makeb and Denova). Group gathered at Toborro's courtyard for initial engagement with the Golden Fury (a droid unit), and easily brought down the machine. Group rallied on the Gav Daragon of the Republic Fleet before the next phase of the operation, and took a shuttle down to the planet Denova to confront the Warlord Kephess, encountering some resistance along the way. Overall the unit was successful in their attempts to eradicate the Trandoshan presence on Denova.
Positive Points:
  • A very easy and familiar set of raids to begin the operations effort.
  • For the most part all members present were aware of the mechanics of the fights, and were able to perform with relative ease, even with a false start here and there.
  • Enjoyable team composition, and agreeable temperaments.
Negative Points:
  • Several deaths due to carelessness, lack of information, and assumption of old operations mechanics that have been removed.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation: A very good evening, even with members who were new to operations in general.


Report Filed By: Sgt. Nakari Kass'l