Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Nar Shaddaa
Formation Size: 8
Troops in Formation:
1LT Kjvago Mahr
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Gorale Inrokini
SPC Ronos Starfollower
SPC Zavock Cierne
Areas Patrolled: Network Security District
Initial Contact: 2000 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered:
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: None
Contact Summary:
Alpha Company personnel arrived on Nar Shaddaa to conduct a patrol. We travelled to the Network Security District and went to the western end of the area where we fought a large R4-GL battledroid.

We then backtracked a little bit before heading to the northern end of the sector and assaulting the Imperial base. After ransacking the base we left through the other side and up an elevator before making a circle back to the speeder point.

We then travelled to the Promenade where we formed up and Gorale swore the Oath of Allegiance and was promoted to Specialist.

Positive Points:
Good turnout
A promotion

Negative Points:

Overall Assessment and Recommendation: Congrats to Gorale on his promotion to Specialist!

Report Filed By: LT Kjvago Mahr