After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Alderaan
Formation Size: 13
Troops in Formation:
LT Kjvago Mahr
SGT Dronos Eos
SGT Illumori Victus
CPL Derzis Derzelas
CPL Eroca Romaniski
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Zavock Cierne
SPC Hadar
SPC Welso Fallgan
TPR Percer Zald
TPR Scarlette Isles
TPR Honsou Carnak
Areas Patrolled: Alsakan Lowlands
Initial Contact: 2100hrs
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered: < Aliit Kyram'Galaar > and one or two Imperials who were not identified.
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: Hornpub
Contact Summary
When the 203rd landed on Alderaan to begin their relief efforts, they were immediately confronted by a Mandalorian clan known as "Aliit Kyram'Galaar". These glorified thugs proceeded to stake claim on the war-torn planet, advising Alpha Company to leave the planet or else. CPL Eroca Romaniski, the leader of the planet's relief efforts, refused, relying on wit and her confidence in her comrades to sway the Mandalorians into retreating themselves. The Mandos attacked Acoy's formation swiftly and with much force. The troopers of the 203rd were forced to pull back the Republic outpost for cover, knowing that they could not defeat such foes head on.
Each engagement, they were outmaneuvered and defeated. Finally, after an hour of fighting, CPL Eroca decided to do what was best for both her troops and the cargo she was carrying. She called a truce. SGT Dronos Eos lead the conversation while Romaniski ensured the supplies were not damaged. Kyram'Galaar's intentions became clear as they conversed with SGT Eos; they wanted Acoy's supplies and in return they would not kill thousands. CPL Romaniski refused, denying the clan the supplies, unsure if they would attack upon their threat or not.
Regardless, they knew Alderaan was not safe for them until they regrouped with the main force.
Positive Points:
- Excellent turnout by both us and Kyram'Galaar
- Managed to utilize RP before and after the engagement.
- Established an OOC relationship and an IC rivalry with an Imperial guild.
- Late arrival on Eroca's part (was unprepared for a patch)
- Tactics utilized were too conservative.
- The Ghosts' intel was not wisely used.
- Comm discipline was an issue, at one point LT Kjvago had to put a warning in ops chat, had to mute two people and talk to the third.
- We did not manage to defeat them.
All of us, myself especially, need to continue training and improving when it comes to WPvP. I think we've grown a little rusty fighting the same people every now and then on Jung Ma. We've grown accustomed to certain people and outcomes, while having limited real game experience. With newer members now joining in combat, we need to continue to work and grow as a combative force.
Report Filed By: CPL. Eroca Romaniski