Although the administrators and moderators of Alpha Company Online Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Alpha Company Online Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of Vbulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or contain content that would otherwise violate any United States or International laws.

The owners of Alpha Company Online Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

  • When creating a new account, users must use the name of their avatar / character .
  • All new accounts must be approved by an admin. This is done to prevent unauthorized spam from appearing on our boards. Once you create an account you will be able to view the boards, but you will not be able to post new messages until you are approved. If it takes more than two days for your account to be approved please e-mail us at forums@alphacompanyonline.org
Forum Posting Rules

General Posting Rules
  • Ignorance of the forum rules or a failure to read them is not an acceptable excuse. Failure to follow forum rules will indicate to the managers of this site that your inability to follow basic directions makes you unsuitable to continue participating on these forums.
  • Please do not post derogatory comments regarding race, religion, creed, gender, sexual preference or disability.
  • No posting with the intent of provoking another user or users.
  • No "bumping", "spamming" or "cross-posting" (repeated posts) is allowed.
  • Please keep posts appropriate to the topic, category and game.
  • You may not re-post private messages on the forums without the express consent of the sender.
  • Users are entitled to one primary account. While secondary accounts are allowed, any account created for the purpose of trolling or otherwise violating these Forums Guidelines will result in the permanent ban of the secondary account and the temporary or permanent ban of the primary account, at the moderators' discretion.
  • No proxy posting. Posting on behalf of a suspended user is not allowed.
  • Doing not hot-link images, if a user is found hot-linking images, they will receive one warning after that they will be removed. For those that don’t know what hot-linking is it is taking the direct http:// address of an image and inserting it into an image tag. More information about hot-linking can be found here
  • Doing anything that could be construed as annoying will put you on the fast track to perma-banning.
RP Posting Rules
  • Always denote in character "/ic" or role-play "/rp" from out of character "/ooc" or non role-play "/rp off" content. You can insert quick /ooc asides by using ((message)) in the middle of your thread as well. Save long /ooc comments for the end or beginning of your thread for ease of reading.
  • Designate open or closed Story lines/threads in your first post. An Open RP thread denotes that anyone can join in on the story. Open RP threads also mean that the information posted is available in game for /ic knowledge, either through direct contact to the person telling the story or more ingenious methods of gathering the information. It is up to the participants how much they know or don't know. Closed threads/stories are just that, limited to the posting of the author or those that are invited to be a part of the story. If your thread is closed please name any coauthors in your first post. Non authors enjoy reading the works, post /ooc encouragements but respect the closed status of the storylines.
  • Do not write content about another player character that they may not like or be willing to participate in. If in doubt ask /ooc first, this saves angry comments and editing later.
Avatar Rules
  • Avatars will be set but the site admin's upon acceptance into the guild. Users should not attempt to modify their avatars!
Signature Rules
  • Signatures will be set by the site admin's upon acceptance into the guild. Users should not attempt to modify their signatures!

Alpha Company
203rd Republic Expeditionary Legion