Advanced Recon

(RP) A soldier that has some training in awareness, camouflage, and basic tracking. These units form in two to four man pairs and provide a forward scout position. Radioing any contacts or obstacles to the main group.
Restriction(s): Scoundrel Only.


(RP) Military chaplains provide pastoral, spiritual and emotional support for service personnel, including the conduct of religious services in space, on bases or in the field.
Restriction(s): None

Civil Affairs Liaison

(RP) These soldiers cover public relations of both the citizenry on planet and the interactions between our allies.
Restriction(s): None

Combat Engineer

(RP) Combat Engineer are a crucial member on the battlefield. They can repair vehicles or turrets damaged in combat. They can fabricate bridges out of basic materials. And many certifications allow Combat Engineers to perform above and beyond these basics.
Restriction(s): None

Comm Technician

(RP) While our short range radios use the standard frequency and extend to just under most planetary surfaces. Comm officers use long range transmitters to contact into orbit and relay messages to various brass.
Restriction(s): None


(RP) primarily responsible for the preparation and service of food in field or garrison food service operations.
Restriction(s): None

Designated Marksman

(RP) A soldier that provides overwatch to the unit from a higher vantage point. He will be tasked to set up overwatch which will be from a high vantage.
Restriction(s): Trooper only

EHODD Specialist

(RP) Explosives Handling, Ordinance, Demolition, and Disposal. A soldier that has received training in both the creation and disposal of explosives for anything from mines to grenades to thermal charges.
Restriction(s): None


(RP) A soldier who specializes in both the handling and throwing of various grenades. In addition to that, Grenadiers also have considerable assault operations experience.
Restriction(s): Assault Specialist commando or Tactics Vanguard Only

Heavy Weapon Specialist

(RP) These soldiers are tough, and they carry the big guns. From repeating blaster rifles to missile launchers, heavy weapon specialists get the job done.
Restriction(s): Commando Only

Infiltration Specialist

(RP) Masters of stealth, these soldiers can sneak past base defenses and sabotage them from the inside.
Restriction(s): Scoundrel Only

Intelligence Analyst

(RP) Special conducts analysis of intelligence materials such as images, radio transmissions, and interrogation transcripts. While most analysts never see combat or are present in theater, Alpha Company analysts maintain front-line status under protective escort.


(RP) The combat medic is the most crucial role in the battlefield. They can provide direct support field aid (commandos or scoundrels) or field surgery (vanguards).
Restriction(s): Commando or Scoundrel Only

Military Police

(RP) Trained in enforcement of law within the ranks and handling prisoners of war.
Restriction(s): Trooper or Gunslinger only.


(RP) Transports troops to the ground, provides air support and is capable of handling most starships designs should the need arise.


(RP) Soldiers who have the Security Expert certification are in charge of base security either mechanical or cyber-warfare. This may included countering hacking on comm channels, disabling / reestablishing lock down protocols, hacking into computers, ect.

Supply and Logistics

(RP) Primarily responsible for supervising or performing tasks involving the general upkeep and maintenance of all Army supplies and equipment.


(RP) While they may see less utility in the field, tactician are the pinnacle of battlefield awareness. They correlate terrain patterns and maps. They posit strategies and advise officers on troop movements. They are also responsible for on field navigation (map location and coordinates).
Restriction(s): Rank: Sergeant and above, or Scoundrels

Tech Specialist

(RP) This soldier can quickly adapt gear to environments, boost efficiency, or modify secondary systems.
Restriction(s): None


(RP) Responsible for interpreting and preparing translations between Basic and a alien language.