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Dev update 09-04-2012 on upcoming changes for 1.4

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  • Dev update 09-04-2012 on upcoming changes for 1.4

    All I can say is.... Mercenaries and Commandos now have a 30-meter interrupt!

  • #2
    I bet that made you happy today.


    • #3
      Disabling Shot was only the beginning of the good stuff. Stockstrike now immobilizes will have me add it to my regular close-range rotation, Kolto Residue snares enemies struck by Kolto Bomb is just another reason why that ability is awesome, not just for healing buffs and armor when combined with Supercharged Cells. The Frontline Medic bit seems helpful, but not overly handy unless it will be an ammo-free skill again or they buff it's healing.

      I haven't played any stealth yet so I gotta ask, are the tweaks detrimental to Ghost Squad?

      Honor your opponent, for without him you have no glory.


      • #4
        gotta love that they are buffing jedi even more >_>


        • #5
          Oh really? You can use Force Speed more often AND it cancels out all snares and roots? That's going to make Huttball great!


          • #6
            Great news for gunnery commandos:
            1. Finally, a ranged interrupt!

            2. Charged Barrel (gunnery tier 4) reduces advanced med probe casting time by 20% per stack. That means after three grav rounds, you get an instant AMP if you're specced into Grav Surge (gunnery tier 5). The question is, will it eat your stack? If it doesn't and you supercharge cells, you could have seven no cooldown, instant AMPs within the next ten seconds. Gunnery would be the major player for the first battle if you ramp up your Combat Support Cell before hitting the field, blast three gravs, supercharge and throw out 6-7 instant AMPs then switch to AP cell and go back to business as usual.

            3. Concussive Force (gunnery tier 3) turns your stockstrike into a 4 second root instead of a knockback. So you can stockstrike someone to root them, then immediately pop Concussive Charge to blast them away. They are still rooted for 2 more seconds and when they finally are free, they are slowed for another 2 seconds.


            • #7
              The more I think about this, the more I think that every single thing mentioned, aside from the ranged interrupt, is a change in the wrong direction. le sigh... bioware needs to stop outsourcing their art department and start outsourcing their pvp balancing.


              • #8
                A cone 15m range force push, lower cooldown on force run, and a free, instant, moderately size self heal?

                Yes please.


                • #9
                  less worried about sages and more worried about shadows...

                  although I think this solidifies the Combat medic's role as the worst of the 3 healers.


                  • #10
                    The changes listed are an overview of the upcoming patch, not the complete list of changes coming out in 1.4.

                    “Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more. Or close the wall with our dead. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillness and humility; But when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger: Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood. Summon up the blood. Disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.” Shakespeare


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hams View Post
                      3. Concussive Force (gunnery tier 3) turns your stockstrike into a 4 second root instead of a knockback. So you can stockstrike someone to root them, then immediately pop Concussive Charge to blast them away. They are still rooted for 2 more seconds and when they finally are free, they are slowed for another 2 seconds.
                      This will be great for acid and fire in huttball matches - now we don't have to waste our cryo to stick em in the traps.


