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Mandalorian Meeting

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  • Mandalorian Meeting

    Sergeant Eos here reporting in from the Dune Sea, Tatooine. I am here on a private scouting mission looking to track down a Mandalorian clan going by the name, "Dha'kal". Intel has given enough information that these Mandos are some very dangerous killers. Why am I looking for some Mandos? Well with reports that Empire's inner power cells are massing a coalition of organizations to lead Imperial war machines, hiring some "honorable" Mandos can give us some eyes on the inside. Clan Dha'kal may have already been inside these secret meetings within the inner circles of the Empire. We need to see if we can buy them off and use them as spies for ACoy.

    *High gust of heavy winds breaks connection briefly, sound goes away for a second*

    I------I am going to report in when I find their whereabouts on this planet. When I do, I will be calling a few fellow troopers to accompany me and see if they can be bought. Luckily I have an old friend with me helping me out. Alright 203rd I will be reporting back shortly.... Dronos out.

    "On the battlefield, I will leave no man or woman behind. As part of Alpha Company, we will do our Republic proud maintaining peace in the galaxy one system at a time." - Dronos Eos

  • #2
    ~~~~~Serge...~~~~~come i~~~~~ERGEANT EO~~~~~~~~~~~~~ix this damn peice of sh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------Sergeant? This is Corporal Victus. That's a solid copy. I'm in the med-bay of the Torik, and was doing research when your transmission broke through. I will continue to monitor this frequency until further orders. Stay safe. Over.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    "A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle" -Buddha

